Sunday, December 19, 2010

the means of surrendering

surrendering means giving up something for others..
Jesus once told that in order to be his disciple we need to leave everything and take up our own cross just as what he did to save us from our sins..(see Matthew "the cost of being a disciple)

just like you.. my fellow brothers and sisters i find it hard to do it .. thats the reality ..
we enjoy what we have here on earth such as worldly friends, money desire, material things, addiction (computer, text, alcohol etc.) but having it all only leads to destruction the bible says "don't love everything on this world because it loses and we know that the world is ruled by SATAN!"
i really enjoy what i've got from the world .. my friends, the "BISYO" to be called and everything and i am afraid to lose it .. WHY?? because i am enjoying it!! that's the reality ..
now as a Christian it is clearly means disobedient and sinning before Christ because im loving the world and not surrendering to Him ..
when you say that Jesus is your Lord .. he must be the one to takes place in your life!! he must be the one to control and decide for your life!! but that's not what was happening to me !! i was the one who is under control of my life and i am the one who's making decisions for my own likeness!! well that was terribly sinning before God!! i know the TRUTH is but still doing what's WRONG and trying to be deaf and numb anyway..
this blog was made because i dont want you to be guilty if you're doing the same thing just like what i did before .. but i want you to realize this thing:

i was sleeping late at night when God spoke to me and asked me such questions:
"kung ako ang Panginoon mo bakit hindi mo sila iwan para sa akin? ano ang mga kinakatakot mo? kaya mo ba akong mawala para sa kanila?"

when i woke up i think of it over and over again .. until a verse come up my mind ..

ahh!! yun pala yun .. pero natatakot pa rin ako .. ANO ANG KINAKATAKOT KO?? that is .. tanggapin sa sarili ko na mali ako!!that's the real fact .. but when i learn to surrender everything .. EVERYTHING ( i give-up my friends, family, money desire, doubts, worries, and including myself to God alone) God promised me na he will make everything ok and he's glad that im back in his arms again ..
my worries?? share the gospel to others because i though i am not a good image is now gone .. i can share the gospel even though i know that i am still not a good model but through the grace of God and with the help of the Holy Spirit i have now the confidence in approaching and facing the people because i know that what i am preaching is the Word of the Truth!!
2. to lose my friends, the bible says that we must be very careful in choosing our friends .. the friends that i give-up is a not healthy friends .. they are in and from the world.. they are doing such sins and i once have had seen it .. the immorality moves.. and i don't want to see it anymore .. but instead of hating them .. i have to pray for them because they didn't know what they are doing .. this is the hardest part of my surrendering .. masaya kase ako pag kasama ko sila .. but what benefit would i get?? NONE!! they're just brought me from sinning .. so BE CAREFUL in choosing your friends .

as of now?? i am enjoying the grace of the Lord .. everything is under of His control .. my sins?? it is forgiven as what he has promised that we just have to confess with all our hearts and he is faithful and just and will purify us from all our unrighteousness ..

just TRUST the Lord and everything will be ok .. TRUST!!

i hope you learned !! :)

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